Monthly Archives: August 2014

Growing pains

This might turn out to be a long post but there might be a sentence here written especially for you… It’s up to you. I haven’t written in a while, not because I don’t have anything to share, but because it has been my observation that there truly is nothing new under the sun and mostly the things I’m wanting to share are somehow just lingering in the air and seemingly resonating with a few other billion people that share it before I do. Today I was reminded that although that is probably a fact, history clearly shows us that humans hardly learn ( or are slow learners) (think wars and fallen empires) and a bit of repetition really wont hurt, if anything it might reiterate some important points.

(Side note… So I am a bit conceited and I like to think that I’m making a difference in your life if I tell you something new, something you’ve never thought of before… So I don’t write because someone beat me to it… But, for humans like me, who are still growing and are a bit petty the Universe has enough grace to embrace us even when we falter.  Time and again I’m reminded that we’ve all got our own circle of influence… I shouldn’t worry… But hey… This struggle is real, but there is hope!)

Back to the reason I am here… If it resonates with you( if you feel me), thank you… If you haven’t stopped and introspected and retrospected, hey… Stop it, wake up! If this doesn’t affect you then can we hang out? Maybe you can be my teacher…

Why is it that we feel like when we give someone a compliment, we are somehow diminishing the weight of our measure? Why are we so perturbed when someone else wins(does well)?

I don’t know… I have my suspicions… But I don’t think I am here to give answers today… Why is it so hard for you to not include yourself when someone else is given a compliment? Why is comparison your default? Do you believe that you are beautiful, only when someone else is ugly? Do you think you are loving, only when someone else isn’t? Do you think you are talented, only when someone else isn’t? Do you think you are only good, when someone is a little worse than you?

Then along comes the blatant making everything about you… A conversation can never be about someone else and how they are doing… Somehow you have to intefer and make it about yourself. Why is that? Why is a conversation only interesting when we are discussing your pain or triumphs? Why do you think you are invisible and irrelevant when your name is not spoken?

I think the most ironic one is your backhanded compliments… What you mean to say is something hurtful disguised as a compliment. What you don’t realise is that you still highlight someone else’s strengths even though it really wasn’t your intention.

Why is it hard for you, to give someone a compliment?

This is a bit heavy, and I am only writing because I am also guilty of this and have also been a victim of ‘friends’ like these. If you know me, you know how hard it is for me to beat around the bush, so please forgive me. I don’t know how else to sugarcoat this and still be honest.

Feel free to share your ideas, but only if they will be useful.

I took these pictures of these beautiful ladies here in Senegal… Aren’t they just lovely?

Sudau6 Suzan

Love Rotondwa